About Us
Corporate Social Responsibility

The Company Durgesh Merchants Limited” always tries to discharge its liability towards the society, people, state and nation to the maximum extent possible. The Company always tries to adhere with the standards which are beneficial to the society, people, and environment. It believes that the growth of the Company is linked with the growth of the society within which it operates, people who are related to it and thus always try to adopt the policies and strategies which are in the favor of the society, people and environment.
The Company consistently tries its level best to follow each direction, instructions, which are applicable to it, issued by Ministry, Judiciary, State and Central Governments. The new Companies Act, 2013 specially provides some directions which the Companies have to follow in respect of the Corporate Social Responsibility. The Company endeavors to follow the directions prescribed by the Government not only in its letter but in its spirits in respect of the corporate social responsibility.